032 – Polo


On my way up to the bridge I came across a round shelf which held a  multitool! It had way more slots than my current one, but was sadly too expensive for me to afford it. The both of them seemed to need some money. Not that I would demand to get free stuff, but it seemed they wanted to help, so it was strange, that they charged money… and also that they charged so much!

Anyway. I made my way up to where Polo was waiting for me.

The small Gek seemed to be happy. He brushed his hands at his hoodie while he spoke to me. Seemed to be some sort of engineer.

Surprisingly he also spoke my language. Other life forms treated me with an amusing disinterest, but for Polo I was equal. He was interested in my travels, in which leading species I’ve met and which live forms I’ve discovered that he doesn’t know. He hoped that I would share my experiences with him and I did.

“Friends can be found everywhere. One just have to know where to look for them. Friends in all forms, in all sizes and in all environments.”

I told him everything I witnessed so far and he listened carefully. Although at the end I got the feeling he wasn’t quite satisfied. He kept asking to tell me more about alien species, but I haven’t seen that many yet. Maybe he will open up to me a bit more if I return with more knowledge.

All I had left at this moment was to leave the construct and get back to my ship. I hope they stay there for a while, so I can return with more knowledge.

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