16-004 – Crashed Freighter


Well then… tank is fueled, stuff is repaired… let’s get started! Nose to the sky and into the universe!

This is where I belong. I can feel it. I spent a lot of time already… it feels so familiar… like home!

Let’s see… we have four planets here and a space station of course… But… I can’t remember… Are those stations made by my folks? Or are there other aliens? And  now that I think about it… I don’t even remember if I am the alien.

Anyway, I will find…. huh? A signal? It’s from the planet I just left. Was it there before and I just didn’t notice? Or did it just appear? Mhmm…. that’s interesting… I guess the station can wait a little longer.

… … …

Wow… the signal led me to a huge broken ship that must have crashed here recently. It’s huge metal fragments are scattered throughout the environment. I wonder if it broke at the impact… or before.

There! Amongst all the debris I find the source of the signal. It’s a round capsule that looks like the one I’ve seen the red orb in before… There is a small terminal attached to it. And I can even access the protocol, though it’s damaged. It blinks and waits for input.

Strange… the terminal spits out a weird string of numbers instead of showing the ship’s protocol. The numbers are followed by a short message:

>> The anomaly comes cause of the stars. Starting. <<

That’s… all.
Oh… it’s not. Now it shows a blueprint. For… a hyper drive? Mhmm… that could come in handy… my ship doesn’t have one installed.  I just… I mean… why is it there? This blueprint is for an ordinary ship und not for a freighter of this size. Did someone… placed it here after the crash so it could be found? Or is it just a coincidence?


I probably will never know. There are no corpses and also no other working terminals around.

Rest in peace whoever you were.

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